so, i quit my job -OR- a new beginning at perch
the ol’ blog has long been neglected. i occasionally take a few minutes to post new music or some quick thoughts, but by and large, she sits unattended most of the time these days. the reason for that neglect is directly connected to the reason i come to you today.
in august of last year, i shared here on the blog about a new adventure that my partner, joseph, and i had started around this time last year. for just over a year, we’ve run perch—a design and development shop—on nights and weekends as we’ve continued to maintain our other respective design and development jobs. balance has been, as you can imagine, a very tricky and tenuous thing.
over that time, we’ve been fortunate to organically grow perch. quite frankly, it’s grown more than we could’ve ever anticipated. (the only reason we formed an LLC in the first place was because we got a single, sizeable freelance job and we thought it would be wise to do so for tax and legal reasons.) last fall, we began to ask ourselves what it would take to transition out of our current jobs and into perch full-time.
i’m excited (and nervous. nervcited?) to announce that june 1 (this coming monday) will be my first official day running perch full-time.
a few weeks ago, i informed my current employer—artletic—that i had decided to move on. matt, as expected, was super understanding and affirming of my decision. we decided i’d stick around through the entirety of the month, so today (friday, the 29th) is my last day.
bonus content: artletic has been a game-changer for my career and the way i think about and do design. matt is, hands down, the best designer and boss that i’ve ever worked with. the best part is that it’s in that order: a designer and then a boss. leading by example and working alongside is the best way to lead and he’s done just that. so, thanks to matt and my other coworkers—arlton, david, melissa, phil & tim—for the last couple years and helping me be a better designer and now, a business owner. (we put a bit of a farewell on the artletic site, because…artletic was acquired by our favorite client, ACL software!)
so, monday it is. the perch flag will be flying high.
we’re confident that perch can grow and thrive. over the past year, time has been our most scarce and prized commodity. while the business has grown, we’ve very literally done zero when it comes to real business development, so it’ll be nice to have some time scheduled to do just that.
in fact, this post might just be the first real business development we’ve done. you can help!
we specialize in all things web: website design and development, user interface and experience design, software development, app design and everything in between.
need any of those things for your business or your band or your organization or your app? perch can do it. we’ve worked with everyone from mom-and-pop shops all the way up to fortune 100 companies, so there’s room for everyone. we’re always eager to come up with solutions big or small.
you can find a little bit more about who we are and what we can do on our website. just use the contact form to shoot us a message.
thanks for listening. here’s to perch!