i think, i wish, i know: most anticipated albums of 2014
typically, january is a particularly slow month for new music. this january, with a few exceptions, wasn’t much different. and as usual, the shortage has gotten me thinking about what albums i’m looking most forward to this year. i’ve put together a list of artists who i’m anticipating (or hoping for) new albums from this year.
i’ve grouped these into “i wish” (no rumors or clues of new music, but they’re due an album), “i think” (enough rumors to make me believe it’s actually gonna happen this year) and “i know” (confirmed release dates or substantiated rumors). we’ll start with my wish list.
i wish
1. outkast
last album: speakerboxxx/the love below, 2003 (i’m not counting idlewild…)
i thought there was a small chance of this happening, but within the last couple weeks, big boi has confirmed that he’s working on a new solo album. so, we can look forward to that and, at the same time, deduce that andre 3000 is also working on his debut solo album. a 3 stacks albums is something we can all get excited about.
2. ray lamontagne
last album: god willin’ and the creek don’t rise, 2010
i have a feeling we could get something new this year. ray usually puts out new music every 2 years, so we’re long overdue. but in contrast to many of the other artists on this list, there’s never any rumor mill about ray’s new music. at some point, we’ll get an unexpected announcement and new music will follow shortly thereafter.
3. kanye west & jay z
last album: watch the throne, 2011
i don’t see this happening this year. maybe next year, but i think it’s too soon this year given the fact that i think there will be a new kanye album this year (more on this later). also, we know these 2 aren’t gonna rush something out, so i think 2015 is more realistic.
i think
1. jenny lewis
last album: acid tongue, 2008
just a couple weeks ago, we got our first taste of new jenny lewis music (listen to completely not me) in a recent episode of hbo’s girls. i think 2014 will finally be the year we hear more.
2. nickel creek
last album: why should the fire die?, 2005
this wouldn’t even come close to being on this list if not for rumors that got going in november, about a reunion album. but if it happens, this would be a huge. i think the years apart combined with the growth they’ve each had as solo artists could add up to a really great new nickel creek album.
3. mutemath
last album: odd soul, 2011
we know the guys have been in the studio for awhile and further, a friend of mine recently got darren to commit to laying down some drum tracks for his new project, with darren agreeing to do it “because we’re in the studio for awhile before we hit the road”. 3 years after odd soul, i think we’re due a new mutemath album.
i know
1. elbow
last album: build a rocket boys!, 2011
finally. we’ve now heard two new tracks (which are really, really great), so we’re inching closer to the march 10th release date. i keep waiting for elbow to put something out that i don’t love, but they’ve yet to do it. in just over a month, we’ll test that again.
2. kanye west
last album: yeezus, 2013
in multiple interviews, kanye himself has said his goal is to release a follow-up to yeezus this summer. he (and rick rubin) have also indicated in interviews that quite a few finished tracks hit the cutting room floor on the yeezus final track list. i have a feeling this could get bumped back later than the summer, but i think it’s safe to say it’s coming.
3. u2
last album: no line on the horizon, 2009
this has been coming for a long time, with the rumor mill churning for what seems like a couple years. what we know at this point is that it’s dangermouse-produced and for me, that’s enough to get me excited. i’m not a massive u2 fan like many others, but nevertheless, new u2 music is always accompanied by great intrigue and anticipation.
alright, so there you have it. i’m sure there’s plenty more great albums scheduled to release this year, but this, at least, gets us looking ahead.
what albums are you anticipating in 2014?