Mark Driscoll Scholarship Fund for Women in Ministry (no, seriously)

Mark Driscoll Scholarship Fund for Women in Ministry (no, seriously)

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Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Mark Driscoll Scholarship Fund for Women in Ministry (no, seriously)

yesterday, i got on facebook for my quarterly crap-i-guess-i’ll-check-facebook time and noticed a photo posted by our favorite jesus-hippy, shane claiborne. (p.s.a.: if you haven’t read his book, jesus for president, stop what you’re doing and go read it.) the photo was of him with a few friends, who are with an organization called epiphaneia network. in the photo’s caption, claiborne shares about what they do. he writes,

…they are some of the most creative event planners I know of — from denominational gatherings to international conferences, even a Christmas parade. These are the folks who pulled off an event called “Eighth Letter”, inviting a bunch of Christian leaders to compile letters to the Church similar to the seven letters in Revelation (now also available as a stellar book, Letters to the Future Church).

…Oh, yeah and they were the whistleblowers on the beloved Christian University where they all met, exposing a million dollar fundraiser with George W. Bush that led to national attention to the horrors created in Iraq under his leadership, all of which contributed to the cancellation of the fundraiser. These guys don’t mess around — they love Jesus, and they have some serious imagination and edge.

but the absolute best part of the caption was about a recent conference these guys put on. over the course of the past month, a series of conferences called “act like men” were put on, which were basically a big he-man woman hater’s club for jesus featuring our favorite he-man, mark driscoll (among others). so as an act of subversiveness, the guys in claiborne’s photo put on a shadow conference called “act like men?”, featuring a diverse range of speakers. the brilliant thing that came out of this conference, claiborne shares in his caption, is that the organizers plan to use the event’s proceeds to provide scholarship funds for women pastors. what’s the scholarship going to be called? yep. the “mark driscoll scholarship fund for women in ministry”.

so good.

be on the lookout for ways to give!