my first infographic: eikon volunteer piece
i’ve been wanting to create an infographic for a very long time. not only do i love them, but i’ve had a particular project i’ve been working on for quite a long time that lends itself to an infographic. while i’m still working on that project, i recently had an opportunity where this type of presentation seemed like a good fit.
the project was a handout/”promotional” graphic we assembled to solicit volunteers for our 4 primary connecting points at eikon. we’ve been preparing to put a little more shape and form to these various aspects of our church and lining up volunteers was one of the primary things we needed to do in order to bring that to fruition.
these four areas are as follows:
1. eikon community garden (coordinated by jon orsborn): a garden we’ve begun next to our building where we have 6 of our own raised beds as well as space for others in the community can build and take care of their own bed(s).
2. sunday night dinner (coordinated by cara beth buie): on the 2nd sunday of each month, we serve a family style dinner. on the other nights, we have coffee and desserts. our goal is to have a “family time” for the people who consider themselves a regular part of eikon and an opportunity to provide a meal for the people in our surrounding homeless community.
3. open doors (coordinated by christen byrd): this is something new we’re beginning where we’ll open up the building each thursday from 2 – 8 (hours may vary) for the homeless community to come do laundry, take showers, escape the heat/cold, get something to eat, use computers and just have a place to take a load off.
4. broadway bridge dinners (coordinated by kat hills): since november, we’ve served dinner each 4th friday night of the month under the broadway bridge. it’s one of our primary (organized) opportunities to meet and get to know the homeless community in little rock.
so, for the infographic, we simply wanted to share some interesting facts and figures that might compel someone to volunteer and get more connected. ultimately, i wouldn’t say this is an infogrpaphic in the purest sense, but it stillĀ incorporatesĀ the primary “values” of an infographic.
i’m pleased with how it came out and i look forward to creating another one (that’s more of an infographic in the strict sense). here’s some details and below is a pdf link to the full size version.
click the image to see a full size pdf:
p.s. if you have any interest in any of these things, i’d love to share more information with you or let you know who you can contact for more information.