VOTE NOW! who has the best pizza in little rock?

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Monday, November 8th, 2010

VOTE NOW! who has the best pizza in little rock?


according to the usda, there are 4 major food groups: grains, fruits/vegetables, dairy and meats/beans. while i certainly don’t want to question their authority, it’s clear—in my life—that they left out a 5th group: pizza.

indeed, pizza could be its own food group. i could eat it at virtually every meal (ok, even for me, breakfast is a stretch…). eating pizza is simply a duty of any god-fearing, america-loving person, right? at the core essence of living and being is consuming pizza. it’s truly the modern day manna of our society.

ok, so maybe that’s all a little hyperbolic, but needless to say, pizza is a staple of the american diet.

it just so happens that little rockians (rockers??) are in luck when it comes to pizza, because, as one local restauranteur has said, little rock is a “pizza town”. relative to its size, there are quite a few locally-owned pizza places—most of which are great. i’ve had quite a few friendly debates about which one is best. people are surprisingly passionate about their love (or hate) for various local pizza places.

so, it’s time to poll the masses and help to settle the debate. i want to find out what you think is the best pizza in little rock. i’ve got my feelings (and i’ll offer them later), but i thought we’d find some sort of consensus—some sort of data—that can be used as debate fodder in our friendly, yet heated pizza debates.

on the following form, please choose your favorite pizza in little rock. if yours is not listed, please choose “other” and type in your favorite pizza. (please note that you can only vote once…so make it worth it!)

the polls will be open until wednesday (11.10.2010) at 4 p.m., so vote now!

happy voting!

[IMPORTANT NOTE :: i’m not interested in anything other than pizza. no salads, no calzones, no pretty pictures on the walls, no desserts, etc. here’s a couple of examples: the salad at zaza has no bearing on this poll. the calzones at vino’s have no bearing on this poll. both are really, really good, but have no place in a poll about pizza. ok, as you were…]

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