ash wednesday sacrilege
ok, so hopefully not sacrilege, but we should never take ourselves too seriously.
so, today, in fact, is ash wednesday, and i thought i would drop in for a quick little fun post. on a serious note, ash wednesday is something that’s only been on my radar for a few years. i grew up in a faith tradition that didn’t even acknowledge the concept of ash wednesday. unfortunately, anything that even slightly appeared to be catholic-related was viewed—to recycle the term—as sacrilege. that’s sad and that’s why, over the last several years, i’ve had a newfound interest in some of the ancient spiritual practices that date back to the early catholic church.
i was planning on practicing lent by giving something up, but at the last minute, i decided against it. i won’t go into all the details, but i just decided i was going to do it for the wrong reasons. the thing that my faith tradition tends to rail about regarding catholicism—empty ritual—is the very thing that i was going to do, so i decided to wait until another time to do it from my heart and not as some kind of religious conquest.
ok, before this gets way too serious…here’s the sacrilege i promised. 🙂
a friend posted an ecard from a site called someecards. just the thought of ecards is lame, but it only took about 2 seconds of looking around the site to realize how hilarious these things are. they just put out a series of lent ecards and they’re pretty hysterical. i’ve joked around using the word “sacrilege,” but as i eluded to, this is just a reminder that we don’t need to take ourselves too seriously. so, here they are. enjoy.