a savior is born

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Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

a savior is born

i would be remissed if, on the eve of the day in which we remember the birth of the savior, i didn’t offer a couple thoughts.

at christmas, everything is so cliché. it’s hard to say anything new and anything that doesn’t sound completely corny and overstated. so, i’ll offer some 2,000 year-old truths.
two thousand years ago, history changed with a baby. god with us. emmanuel. god incarnate. he was born and he died and we now live in his wake, moving toward, as author tony jones so poetically stated, his eschatological horizon where, likewise, christ is moving toward us.
as we celebrate his humble arrival, we anticipate his triumphant return, living not only for his kingdom come, but for his kingdom present. this god-man came, a baby born with no home in which to abide, to offer the world an eternal home in which to abide.
so, on this christmas, i pray that we remember the savior. we remember his birth and death and his life today.