clay gay (not to be confused with ray gay...) :: Being Ryan Byrd

clay gay (not to be confused with ray gay…)

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Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

clay gay (not to be confused with ray gay…)

breaking news: clay aiken is gay.

in other news, the earth is round and it revolves around the sun.
attention people magazine: you do not have exclusive breaking news. we all knew. we knew when we were watching american idol. we knew when his hairstyle began to look more like a cheap wig than real hair. we knew when his 50-year old friend got knocked up thanks to science. we knew when the claymates were trying to stand up for him and say that he was as straight as an arrow.
as i pointed out in my blog about ray boltz, i don’t typically blog about these types of things because i don’t want to sensationalize someone’s time of public scrutiny and i don’t want to make fun of anyone, but a phenomenon has come to my attention.
if you’re name rhymes with gay, you’re bound to be just that.
first ray boltz. now clay aiken.
so, i thought i would play the role of prophet or psychic or whatever and take a look at some candidates for coming out of the closet, thus falling in line with this frightening trend. which of these people will it be:

i’m no vegas odds-maker, but i think for safe money, you’re probably going to want to eliminate jay and ray. it also seems like taye is all man. jk, hmmm…probably not. . ah…the backstreet boy…
you be the judge…
check back soon for more hard-hitting blogs like these…