new kevin max tracks
many of you may know that i unashamedly have a mancrush: kevin max. ’tis true. we’ve stalkingly seen him at probably a dozen concerts over the years and he’s definitely my favorite artist. beyond the dashing good looks and flowing at-all-times-visible chest hair, kmax is actually a very intriguing artist with his hand firmly positioned within the music, theological and literary worlds. he is always a source of out-of-the-box and engaging theological insights and his music goes places that most who have been, in whatever distant way, connected in the christian music world never go.

with all that said, he’s been working on a couple independent ep releases for a while now, called crashing gates and passing keepers. it looks like crashing gates will probably be released in the next couple months, with passing keepers releasing some time in early ’09. they will be two separate ep’s, but are codependent of each other, playing within the same themes and styles. lyrically, he touches on, in sort of an avant garde poetic kind of way, love, middle age fantasy and the end times (yeah, you just have to hear it…it all makes sense, seriously…). stylistically, it’s reminiscent of david bowie with sort of a late 80’s u2 guitar sound. i don’t know…again, you probably just need to hear it.
wait a minute….you can hear it. here’s one of the tracks, traveler, which is the opening track from crashing gates. it’s a “very rough demo”, but you can sort of get the vibe. on kmax’s (music) myspace page, he promises “if you love them this way, they will only get better.” so, enjoy. (and go buy them when they release.)