alien girl found in woman’s womb…

ok, so that was my attempt at becoming a headline writer for the national enquirer…
we have big news and i’m assuming by the photo you can take a guess as to what this big news is… this november (the 26th to be exact), we will be greeting a new little baby girl! today we had a nice long 45-minute ultrasound when she decided not to spread eagle, thus angering her parents and greatly frustrating the nurse running the ultrasound. patience is a virtue, though, and after much perseverance, she finally decided to show the goods. those three little white lines indicated that in november, i will be the daddy to two beautiful little girls.
people have asked if that’s what we wanted and we were truly indifferent. we would have been just as excited with a boy or a girl. if i would have had to have picked, though, i guess i would have picked a girl. you know, little girls are just pretty. boys, like myself, are just big-headed and goofy (especially if they inherited their daddy’s genes…).
i’m not going to drop a name on you at this point. for my 50% vote, i’ve locked in on a name. christen, though, is still debating. she likes the name i want, but just isn’t sure. so, what do you think? let me know if you have any names for the next little byrd.