arkansas sports 360 football preview

as most of you guys know who read my blog, i am currently employed at arkansas business publishing group as the advertising art director. while i spend most of my time designing ads, i also get the chance (with increasing frequency) to work on editorial design for our various publications. for the last several weeks, i, along with a lot of other people, have put a lot of blood, sweat and tears (not to mention overtime) into our newest publication: arkansas sports 360 football preview. basically, it’s a comprehensive magazine that covers both high school and college football for the upcoming fall season.
speaking objectively, it’s really a nice piece that reflects the amount of work that put into it. so, go check it out. you can do it—primarily—one of two ways. first, you can go pick up a copy at participating at&t retail locations or at participating first security bank branches. if you’re too lazy to get one or you can’t wait to drive that 10 minutes to the nearest location, you can check out an interactive copy online. personally, i would go pick up a copy because it just feels good to hold a copy. oh yeah, did i mention it was FREE? yeah, that’s good stuff.
so, go check it out and let me know what you think.