i'm just saying... :: Being Ryan Byrd

i’m just saying…

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Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

i’m just saying…

i once heard a comedian say that you can pretty much say anything about anybody—no matter how awful it is—by just following it up by saying, i’m just saying… so, i’m gonna go ahead and throw that out there now.

honestly, i have a tremendous amount of respect for john mccain. as passionate about obama as i feel, i was just telling a friend awhile ago that it wouldn’t be the end of the world if john mccain won the election. i would be very let down, but i honestly have a lot of respect for mccain and his bipartisan work over the years.

ok…that was the setup (i promise it was sincere…)…

i’ve been sitting here watching cnn for awhile and they’ve cut, several times, to some video of john mccain at a press conference and i have to ask: is anybody else creeped out by john mccain??
c'mon, you know this is creepy...